Thema1 is an independent Berlin-based think-do-tank specialized in accelerating the transition to a low-carbon society. The operational managment of complex multi stakeholder processes is it’s core competence.
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THEMA1 is an independent Berlin-based think-do-tank specialised in accelerating social change.
Founded in 2006 by Guido Axmann and Jacob Bilabel, THEMA1 initiates and operates projects in the fields of sustainable consumption, renewable energy grids, a green music and entertainment industry, and mass mobilisation of the public towards a low-carbon future. Each of THEMA1’s activities is defined by the strong belief of its founders that ‘Talk without action means nothing‘.
THEMA1’s innovative blend of activities reflects the growing importance of cross-sector partnerships and synergetic approaches. THEMA1 strives for win-win cooperation with business, NGOs and public stakeholders by fostering supply and demand for innovations that are sustainable – both from the business and climate points of view.
With its purpose of pioneering new forms of cooperation and promoting better communication among business, civil society and public policy leaders in Europe, THEMA1 operates in three complementary spheres of activity:
– Development and initiation of sustainable business models with the aim of accelerating the transition to a low-carbon society
– Management of cross-sector partnerships with business, government and civil society organisations
– Design, organisation and facilitation of international multi-stakeholder dialogues and complex change processes
Between 2015 and 2017, UN Environment and the International Trade Centre led a consultative process to develop international guidelines for companies, standard-setting organizations and governments to provide reliable sustainability information to consumers on products (goods and services). Inter-disciplinary organisations from around the world joined this process to help make sustainable consumption the easy option, through a working group of the Consumer Information Programme of the 10 Year Framework of Programmes for Sustainable Consumption and Production. Guidelines development and stakeholder consultations were facilitated in partnership with Think-Do-Tank THEMA1
Consumer Information for SCP
A global platform supporting the provision of quality information on goods and services, to engage and assist consumers in sustainable consumption.
The PCF PROJECT provides a platform to promote sustainable consumption based on product carbon footprints.
Launch partners: Öko-Institut, Potsdam-Institute for Climate Impact Research, WWF, BASF, dm drogerie-markt, DSM, FRoSTA, Henkel, Krombacher, Rewe, Tchibo, Telekom, Tengelmann, Tetra Pak

Carbon Film Quote is the world’s first TV commercial budget estimator with an integrated carbon calculator. It helps BBDO Proximity’s production partners identify and evaluate low-emission and environmentally friendly production options when looking at initial cost estimates.
Launch partners: BBDO Proximity, CMC. EU, Neue Sentimental Film , Markenfilm, Das Werk, Cobblestone, Twin Film, Vogelsänger Film, Schönheitsfarm, Studio Funk, Chamaeleon, Adstream
Green Pictures Group aims at the reduction of carbon emissions in TV and film production. The initiative brings together the different national and international stakeholders of the filming sector to jointly work on ways to effectively reduce energy consumption, CO2 emissions and associated costs.
Launch partner: EnergyAgency.NRW
SHIFT 2050 shows what tomorrow’s low-carbon lifestyle will look like and accelerates the transition to a low-carbon society.
International Jury: Polly Courtice (Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership), John Doyle (European Commission), Nicky Gavron (Former Deputy Mayor of London), Christine Loh Kung-wai (Civic Exchange), Marcello Palazzi (Progressio Foundation), Dr Fritz Reusswig (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
RGI provides a pan-European platform for stakeholders to enable 100% grid integration of renewable energy. RGI builds a strong coalition across all sectors to accelerate the decarbonisation of the power system.
Partners: WWF, Germanwatch, TenneT, 50Hertz, Elia, Nationalgrid, RTE, Swissgrid, European Climate Foundation, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, European Climate Forum
The PEF World Forum (formerly known as PCF World Forum) is a joint platform to foster and facilitate dialogue between international initiatives on how to assess, reduce and communicate the impact of goods and services on the climate and the environment.
Over 600 representatives of business, retail, government, research, NGOs from over 35 countries attended at the last PCF/PEF WORLD SUMMITs since 2009.
The GREEN MUSIC INITIATIVE provides a nationwide platform for the music and entertainment industry to coordinate projects in the fight against climate change.
Partners: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Wuppertal Institute, Universal Music, Melt! Festival, MTV Networks, Club Commission, Intro Verlag, Julie’s Bicycle
What role can the cultural sector play in the fight against climate change?
100 selected British, French and German representatives from music, art, theatre, science, politics, environmental associations and media discuss at the Green Music Dinner at Hotel de Rome in Berlin.
Partners: British Council, German Federal Foreign Office, Julie’s Bicycle UK, Ferropolis, Melt!, Hotel de Rome, Lux11, Absolut CH
Green Music Dinner
How would an election spot for an political party look like, if there where no rules? In 2005 the German Green Party dared to find out. More than 40 young creatives from video, design, advertising or social media took part in this experiment
Partners: Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen, Paul Snowden, Ponyfilm
Grid Master Class is an educative programme for the electricity grid sector. The objective of this European programme is to build stronger mutual understanding between the different stakeholders by offering them a neutral platform for learning basics and secrets of electricity grids and their public perception.
Launch Partner: SEFEP
In the Energieavantgarde Anhalt project a cross sectoral group of stakeholders, cities, Public and Private Energy Utilities, Distribution System Operators and energy producing citizen cooperatives come together to develop a blueprint for a regional, decentralised and distributed energy system. In a participative process with the citizens and cities of the region over three years the partners like Innogy Stiftung für Energie und Gesellschaft, Bauhaus Dessau, Umweltbundesamt, Stadtwerke Dessau, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin and Fraunhofer Institut a.o. will develop a better understanding of needed regulatory frameworks, future business models and citizen engagement processes in the first of its kind Social Innovation Lab in Germany Launch Partners: Innogy Stiftung für Energie und Gesellschaft, 100 prozent erneuerbar Stiftung, Bauhaus Dessau, Haleakala Stiftung, Stadtwerke Dessau, WissenschaftszentrumBerlin